This article sharing butterfly release information is provided by Cloverlawn Butterflies, The web's leading provider of live butterfly release products featuring the Painted Lady Butterfly and Monarch Butterfly. Many use our products for a variety of special occasions such as a butterfly release wedding, butterfly release funeral and a memorial butterfly release. Buy butterflies to release »
Everyone seems to be fascinated by the butterfly, and rightly so. Every butterfly has two pairs of scaled wings that come in a wide variety of beautiful colors and patterns and is what sets the butterfly apart from other flying insects. To this day, nearly 29,000 different types of butterfly species have been captured and identified, which helps to establish this species as the second largest group of insects living in our world today. (The first group is beetles.)
Painted Lady Butterfly
The Painted Lady Butterfly, aka the Thistle butterfly and the Cosmopolitan butterfly, is a beautiful medium-sized butterfly that has a wingspan of a little more than 2″. The Painted Lady butterfly is the most common type of butterfly and can be found living in warmer climates all over the world. Their wings contain a beautiful array of colors, with an orange and black design on the top of their wings with white spots and trim and a beautiful color combination on the underside that include pinks, greens, whites, browns and blacks. The lifespan of the Painted Lady butterfly is fairly short as they tend to live for a couple of months.
The Painted Lady butterfly prefers temperatures in the 70’s and 80’s because they’re cold-blooded and need this type of climate to fly. The Painted Butterfly is extremely important when it comes to pollination and they love to flutter around in large open fields where they’re able to choose from a wide variety of flowering plants in order to gather the nectar. When it comes to migration, Painted Lady’s in North America will migrate to Mexico and those located in Northern Europe will migrate to Southern Europe or even North Africa.
The Painted Lady butterfly does have a few enemies, which includes birds and dragonfly’s as well as anything else that eats insects to survive. In order for the adult Painted Lady butterfly to protect itself it will either flutter away quickly or find a place where it can blend in with its surroundings in order to hide from any predators. If it’s still a larvae, it will find a place where it can hide amongst the leaves.
The male Painted Butterfly tends to be very territorial as it’s his job to find a safe place for the female to lay her eggs. Once he does he will defend this place until the female butterfly appears. The Painted Lady butterfly’s eggs are in the shape of a barrel and are a light yellowish green in color. As soon as the eggs are hatched the larvae (caterpillar) will begin to eat so it can grow strong in order to prepare for its upcoming pupa stage. In this pupa stage magical things will happen that will allow the larva to change into an adult Painted Lady butterfly.
Learn More About the Painted Lady Butterfly
here at Cloverlawn Butterflies, we share a wealth of Painted Lady Butterfly information. Learn about the Painted Lady Butterfly such as Painted Lady Butterfly life cycle, what do Painted Lady Butterflies eat, how long do Painted Lady Butterflies live and Painted Lady Butterfly habitat