This article sharing butterfly release information is provided by Cloverlawn Butterflies, The web's leading provider of live butterfly release products featuring the Painted Lady Butterfly and Monarch Butterfly. Many use our products for a variety of special occasions such as a butterfly release wedding, butterfly release funeral and a memorial butterfly release. Buy butterflies to release »
Learn 15 Amazing Unknown Butterfly Facts
Cloverlawn Butterflies Butterfly Release Company shares 15 amazing unknown butterfly facts
Here are 15 butterfly facts below that you probably didn’t know.
Did You Know?
- Did you know that although most butterflies tend to live in tropical areas, they can be found living all over the world. Butterfly’s can range in their size, all the way from a tiny butterfly that has a 1/8″ wingspan to a large butterfly with a wingspan of about 12″. Most butterflies have a very short lifespan and live only about 2 to 3 weeks.
Picture Caption: A Butterfly Release During A Memorial Service using Butterflies purchased from Cloverlawn Butterflies
- Did you know that butterfly’s don’t eat solid food and instead drink the nectar from flowers. Although most butterfly’s tend to gently flutter around when they fly, some have been known to fly up to 12 miles per hour. Butterfly’s are warm-blooded, so in order for them to be able to fly their body temperature must reach at least 86°.
- Did you know that there are more than 24,000 different kinds of butterflies? It’s true!
- Did you know that butterfly’s can’t hear any sounds? Instead, they rely on vibrations to let them know what’s going on around them.
- Did you know that butterfly’s taste with their feet? That means as soon as they land on a plant they’re able to tell whether or not that plant is going to be sufficient when it comes to laying their eggs.
- Did you know that butterfly’s smell with their antennae? Smells are very important to a butterfly because this sense not only allows them to find their next food source, it also helps them find a mate and avoid predators.
- Did you know that most female butterflies tend to live longer than male butterflies? They also tend to be bigger in size.
- Did you know that the longest amount of time a butterfly has ever lived is 10 months? The Brimstone Butterfly lives the longest out of all the butterfly species the world.
- Did you know that butterfly’s have 3 pairs of legs? Just like all insects, butterfly’s have 6 legs. And their feet are like little claws that allow them to hold on tight to a flower while they’re drinking the nectar.
- Did you know that the wing pattern of some butterfly’s are able to deter their predators? Certain butterfly wing patterns are able to mimic the natural enemies of these predators, making them leave the butterfly alone.
- Did you know that the wing pattern of some butterfly’s are made specifically to attract other butterfly’s for mating purposes? This makes it much easier for certain butterfly species to find each other.
- Did you know that butterfly’s can still fly even if some of their wing scales are removed? They’re still able to fly, their wings will just have less color.
- Did you know that some butterfly’s fly at night? Although, they must live in an environment that’s warm enough to allow them to fly. Most butterfly’s will seek shelter at night and fly during the day.
- Did you know that butterfly’s don’t have lungs and instead breathe through openings located on their abdomen? These openings are called spiracles and transport the oxygen into the butterfly’s body.
- Did you know that there are many butterfly habitats that are in jeopardy, currently making the loss of habitat the biggest threat to butterfly’s? You can help by building a butterfly friendly habitat at your home today.
Picture Caption: Buy Painted Lady Butterflies to release from Cloverlawn Butterflies
Picture Caption: A Butterfly Release using Butterflies purchased from Cloverlawn Butterflies
Picture Caption: A Butterfly Release in action using Butterflies purchased from Cloverlawn Butterflies
Picture Caption: Buy Painted Lady Butterflies to release from Cloverlawn Butterflies
Picture Caption: Buy Painted Lady Butterflies to release from Cloverlawn Butterflies
Picture Caption: Painted Lady Butterflies are our most purchased butterflies for release
Picture Caption: A Butterfly Release during a Birthday Party using Butterflies purchased from Cloverlawn Butterflies
Cloverlawn Butterflies Butterfly Release Company are top experts in butterflies and offers the finest butterfly release products available all across the United States. The butterfly most sold in our products are the Painted Lady Butterfly.
Video: Cloverlawn Butterflies Butterfly Release Company Shares Butterfly Release in Action
View a video of a Butterfly Release in action.
Why Choose Cloverlawn Butterflies Butterfly Release Company To Buy Butterflies For Release?
Cloverlawn Butterflies Butterfly Release Company is a small, family operated butterfly farm located in Orlando, Florida. For many years, thousands of happy customers buy butterflies to release from us for all their special events and occasions such as weddings, funerals and memorials.
Picture Caption: Cloverlawn Butterflies Butterfly Release Company is Family Owned
We specialize in live butterfly release products, featuring the Painted Lady Butterfly and the Monarch Butterfly. Our live butterflies for release are hand raised and guaranteed to arrive alive for your butterfly release. We offer several different butterfly release packages for you to purchase and every order is tailored to meet your special needs. We provide customizations to our available butterfly release products such as envelope inscriptions, boxes, ribbon decorations and more.
Great Customer Service and Great Reviews
Outside ordering our butterfly release packages online, you can call us at 407-896-8389. We are all about providing exceptional customer service. View our reviews on Google, Facebook, The Knot (an authoritative Wedding Planning Website) and Amazon to see proof of our great customer service and the happiness of our customers. We are also an authority on butterflies and answer many butterfly questions on Quora.
Shipping Live Butterflies
We have been successfully providing our live butterfly release products for over 12 years and guarantee our butterflies to be alive with our 100% Butterfly Guarantee. We always ship our butterflies for release using overnight shipping within the United States following USDA guidelines and regulations. We feed and exercise each butterfly before they leave our facility only sending out the most perfect of our stock. Learn more: Butterfly Release Instructions »
Picture Caption: Live Butterfly Release Packaging for Monday-Friday Delivery Purchased From Cloverlawn Butterflies
Butterfly Release Types We Sell
When you order your butterflies for your special occasions, you have two options. "Mass Butterfly Releases" and "Individual Butterfly Releases."
Butterfly Release Type 1: Mass Butterfly Releases
Mass Butterfly Releases are defined as a butterfly release where you and a group of other people will release a group of butterflies at once.
- Buy Butterflies To Release: 12 Painted Lady Butterflies For Release In A Mass Release Box - $64
- Buy Butterflies To Release: 24 Painted Lady butterflies For Release in a Heart Shaped Mass Release Box - $89
- Buy Butterflies To Release: 2 Dozen Painted Lady Butterflies For Release Divided Into 2 Mass Release Boxes - $170
Picture Caption: One of our many Mass Butterfly Release products, Buy Butterflies To Release: 12 Painted Lady Butterflies For Release In A Mass Release Box - $64
Butterfly Release Type 2: Individual Butterfly Releases
Individual Butterfly Releases are defined as a butterfly release where all event attendees can participate to release their own butterfly.
- Buy Butterflies To Release: 12 Painted Lady Butterflies For Release in Individual Release Envelopes - $50
- Buy Butterflies To Release: 24 Painted Lady Butterflies For Release in Individual Release Envelopes - $75
- Buy Butterflies To Release: 200 (plus 1 dozen free) Painted Lady Butterflies For Release in Individual Release Envelopes - $400 ($50+ savings)
Picture Caption: One of our many Individual Butterfly Release products, Buy Butterflies To Release: 24 Painted Lady Butterflies For Release in Individual Release Envelopes - $75
For Individual Butterfly Releases, you can choose envelopes that you can customize. Customizations include their color and you can write text on them. Once the butterflies are released, these envelopes then get to become keepsakes for you and your guests during the event or special occasion.
After you place your order with Cloverlawn Butterflies Butterfly Release Company, your butterflies will be shipped to arrive the day before your event safely. Butterflies to be released will arrive in a box that also contains an ice pack, which keeps your butterflies dormant. This keeps them sleeping before the start of your event. Please note, do not place butterflies you receive from Cloverlawn Butterflies Butterfly Release Company in a refrigerator or freezer.